Thursday, September 30, 2010

silly pics

Just some silly pics of me barely awake,,trying to get my bangs to go straight (an impossible task for us curly people!) and some pics of me and Vincent,taking a stroll along windy Lake Michigan on Sunday....
We had a lazy weekend,had to pick up Vincent from the airport late Friday night,as he was coming back from spending 3 days in San Antonio....
We had our usual Saturday breakfast,and then we met our friend Pete for a lovely lunch at A Select Cut steakhouse,and then we had drinks at The Duke,and then Vincent and I collapsed in bed and were asleep by 6pm! Lekker!
On Sunday we took a stroll along Lake Michigan,and then met up with Vincent's friends from California,Mary and Steven,and had a lovely dinner at Carlucci's downtown Chicago.
All in all,a busy weekend for us snoozebuckets!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

No news is good news!

Its been a week since I posted.....and the reason is that my blackberry has finally died and gone to Hell (well deserved!) and I am now using Vincent's very very very ancient cell phone,which can not even take photos...and what good is a blog without photos?....It might be a while before I can afford the phone that I I decided to take a good look at Vincent's beautiful Garmin phone,and downloaded all the photos (and videos!) and lets see if I can actually put those on here....

The past week was quiet,on Tuesday we had to volunteer at Vincent's work and be on a golfcourse all day,taking care of old silly farts in poloshirts with no brains,but I think they raised quite a lot of money,and on Wednesday,Vincent was off to San Antonio,for three days for some conference....but I think it involved a lot of drinking and eating out!At least he was with Juan and Chad,so it was all cool.....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday morning

Dieudone and I....reading the paper....


Just some wonderful photos of Vincent,taken last night at Mini Bar and this morning at our traditional Saturday breakfast....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Halo Reach and evil Alain

Vincent's new toy has finally arrived....The last installment of the Halo Series...Halo Reach...and Vincent is like a little excited tyke!....Alain joined him last night,and as you can tell from the photo,he turned into an covenant Alien!.....

I might not really understand the joys of videogames,but seeing Vincent happy and excited about Halo Reach,is all I need.....Vincent happy equals to Lola happy.....Life is good.....

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Another week,another Brussels trip....It was just going to be my friend Sean and I for drinks and dinner,but somehow the entire crew decided to join us!Even Ann,our lone female pilot decided to join us,and ditch her male co-pilots!...A good time was had by all! Sean,Joe,Bonnie,Jennifer and Linda at Banco Bar
Dinner at our favorite brasserie,Ann and Bonnie enjoying dinner and lots of wine!


And more pictures of our adventures in Brussels......
Sean and Joe,waiting for the girls....
Our wonderful boys....Sean and Joe
Sean,Linda and Joe,at our favorite brasserie
Ann,our pilot,who dissed her male pilots,to come out with us...


Vincent,my love,on his weekly phone calls to mom......

Saturday, September 11, 2010

And voila...Apple Pie

And here is Vincent's apple pie!

Apple Pie part 2

And here is Vincent,relaxing after slaving away in the kitchen....notice the glass of Cointreau nearby?!....and our wonderful bookcase,overflowing with books.....I love it!

Apple Pie part 1

And here is Vincent,in the middle of making the amazing apple pie.....and Dieudone in here favorite position in her basket.......

More lazy Saturday.....

So I had made a wonderful beef stew yesterday with Beer,potatoes,carrots,beef etc etc...bought this fabulous Tuscan bread for dunking,and a nice wine...and today we are having the leftovers...It always taste better the second day!....
Vincent is also making his amazing Dutch Apple pie this afternoon,so I surprised him with a bottle of his favorite after dinner drink....Cointreau....Here are some pictures of the "unmade'' pie....and I will post a picture of the made pie later this afternoon....mmmmmmmm

Lazy Saturday morning

And this is how we slowly wake up every Saturday....Puddies,cup of tea and a good book.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Romanian Gypsy

When I first met Vincent,I think on our 2nd date,he had told me a "funny"story about how he had met a Romanian gypsy at a fair,a long,long,long time ago (it must of been a VERY long time ago,as we all know,Vincent would never go for that kind of paranormal,woo woo crap!) but this lovely gypsy told him,after having stared in her crystal ball (and of course,after receiving the customary $35....) that poor Vincent was going to die at age a lawnmower!.....

So over the past 2 years that I have known Vincent,I have diligently kept him away from anything remotely to do with lawnmowers,whilst of course laughing my head off...and the other day on the airplane,I was reading De Telegraaf,and they had this charming article,about a lovely gentleman,who was killed by a lawnmower....I came home,and taped it to the kitchen door,as a reminder of Vincents mortality!......He had a good chuckle when he came home and read it!....

You just got to keep laughing,life is not a dress rehearsal and everyone should just enjoy living!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Farmers Market

Mmmmm...this morning after our traditional Saturday breakfast,Vincent and I walked over to the Lincoln Park Farmers Market,and bought wonderful,fresh ingredients for our lunch....We did not spend too much time at the market,as there were way too many scheitkokers,strollers and screaming parents around,but the supplies we bought were amazing!
Vincent is cooking right now,and the smell of fresh mushrooms,garlic,onions,leeks,peppers,etc is just amazing....If I could bottle it up,I would.....


My love attempting to smile!....and then falling asleep!
Today we are going to the farmers market in Lincoln Park,and buying wonderful fresh ingredients for our lunch,and then its off to the second hand bookstores to buy some good books...Its going to be a good day.