"Some people have the elegance of the hedgehog:on the outside they are covered in quills,a real fortress,but my gut feeling is that on the inside,they have the same simple refinement of the hedgehog: a deceptively indolent little creature,fiercely solitary,and terribly elegant."
Vincent and I have had many talks about our 3rd tattoo...and after having devoured "The elegance of the hedgehog" by Muriel Barbery, we both decided that a hedgehog would be our next tattoo.
Vincent was dying to get it,but I procrastinated,with all the pain I have been having from my 2cm fragment having a party in my spine,I just did not want more pain,so the project got shelved for a while.
Until this morning,I thought "F***k this...I am going to the tattoo factory.
And off I went,and got my tattoo.
Vincent is jealous.