Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vincent doing dishes

After having cooked a scrumptious meal last night,Vincent,being the wonderful husband that he is,helped me do the dishes...

I am off to Frankfurt (Germany) today,after having come back from London two days ago,and Saturday and Sunday we have Gay Pride here in the neighborhood...

Should be fun,Marcellus is coming over,so lots of videos will be taken....


A little puddy love from Dieudone...It is a little dark,however Dieudone is giving off some light!

Something is missing...

Last week,I flew a domestic trip,and when I got on the plane,I is a little drafty here,and walked through the coach cabin....and saw that the emergency window was "removed"....

It is never a good thing to be flying with a window missing,so they found us another plane,and off we went...

Just another day at the office....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Marcel doet gek

I forgot I had taped this last week when we had dinner at Marcel and Petra....This is what we crazy Dutch do when away from the motherland!...and as usual...a lot of Marcel's wine collection was consumed...

Cats eating human food....

My loves eating cheetos

Monday, June 13, 2011

Quiet week

We have had a quiet week,I went to my annual emergency training (just the usual crap,screaming commands,opening airplane doors,putting out fires,and one of the girls in my class broke her collarbone,whilst jumping into the raft...oh just the usual crap happening at my company...)

I received the usual fake "thank you for your twenty years of service" from the company that fired me last year (thank you union for getting me my job back...)

The weather went from 100 degrees to 55 degrees within 24hours...(don't we all just LOVE living in Chicago...)

I went for my annual physical,and all is well...

On Saturday,Bruce,one of Vincent's friends from the "Project Reason" forum came to Chicago,and we all went for a lovely dinner at Fogo de Chao....

and now it is Monday again.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A hot day out with Pete and Vincent

On Saturday,after Vincent got his hedgehog tattoo,we decided to walk around the Book Fair in the South Loop,and took Pete with us.
The temperature rose to about 92degrees when we got there (about...42degrees in NL) and since none of do heat and crowds,we escaped to a little bar,and had some beers,before going back home to cool off...

On Sunday,we are going to the Rietvelds for a BBQ...

Oh...yes,Vincent decided to chop off his hair for the summer...


As love could not stand the fact that I was one tattoo ahead of him...and on Saturday morning he ran to the Tattoo Factory,and got his hedgehog tattoo!

I love my man!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hedgehog tattoo

"Some people have the elegance of the hedgehog:on the outside they are covered in quills,a real fortress,but my gut feeling is that on the inside,they have the same simple refinement of the hedgehog: a deceptively indolent little creature,fiercely solitary,and terribly elegant."
Vincent and I have had many talks about our 3rd tattoo...and after having devoured "The elegance of the hedgehog" by Muriel Barbery, we both decided that a hedgehog would be our next tattoo.

Vincent was dying to get it,but I procrastinated,with all the pain I have been having from my 2cm fragment having a party in my spine,I just did not want more pain,so the project got shelved for a while.

Until this morning,I thought "F***k this...I am going to the tattoo factory.

And off I went,and got my tattoo.

Vincent is jealous.