Oh,by the way,for all of those who do not know,the short of it is,I mistakenly filled out a computer report,and it cost the company about $39.
Yes,that is the "threat"...After being a stellar employee for 19years,with a personal file of nothing but accolades,I am now sitting at home,waiting for management to make a simple decision:
Fire her,because we can...or
Lets be logical about this,stellar employee,perfect record,makes a small mistake,lets give her a slap on the wrist,and get on with it....
You make the decision....
So now I have decided that I was allowed to be a depressed sap the last 3days (my poor Vincent,having to put up with this craziness...but hey...did we not make those vows:in sickness and in health!) and I am going to "pretend" that I have been fired (always works best for me,expect the worst,that way it cant get any worse,when I end up sitting in the basement of corporate America,filling out my discharge papers!) and I am going to enjoy my FREEDOM!
First: Stay healthy,and go for a run,great for clearing out those cobwebs and letting go of my frustrations and anger against the clones in the basement.....
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