Saturday, April 10, 2010


I actually forgot to mention here,that I DID get my job back (the powers upstairs decided I was too good of an employee to let go,or maybe it was my charming personality ha ha!) so after not flying for about 3months,I actually had to get back in the blue polyester uniform,and go back to work....

My first trip back (to Amsterdam of course,we were running low on Albert Heijn tea,stroopwafels en Nivea.....) and I actually got to work my favorite position,First Class galley...Yeah,nice way to ease myself back into the workplace!

As soon as we got to Amsterdam,I ran over to AH,got the groceries,took a shower,and jumped on the tram 5 to Amstelveen to visit Vincent's parents,the wonderful,lovely best parents ever,Ria and Frank....and surprise surprise,who was sitting on the couch?.....Bertie!!! great was that?....

It was so nice to see him again...Vincent and I are still trying to get him to come over to Chicago,and we will succeed....Just going to take some time...and when he does come over,he will love it so much,he will never leave........

Anyway,we all had a lovely time,drinking wine,catching up and having great conversations.Then dinner came around,and Ria made my favorite meal: Karbonaatjes (van Bertie!..mmmmm...lekker!) spinazie met ei,aardappelen met jus en witlof.....oooooh,I nearly died of pleasure......I would of taken pictures...but my damn blackberry went on the no pictures.....

At about eight clock,I could not keep my eyes open anymore,so I hopped back on tram 5,got to the hotel,and collapsed in bed,and slept solid for 10hours,until it was time to get back on the plane,and work an easy flight back to Chicago...where my lovely husband and puddies welcomed me back with open arms......

Today its Saturday,not even seven clock in the morning,and Vincent and I are allready up with a lovely Dutch cup of tea,and starting our "Birthday" weekend!.....Its going to be a lovely day.

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