Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Neurosurgeon Dr JoshUA Rosenow (not the photo here under!)

Yesterday,I had my consul with the neurosurgeon,Dr Joshua Rosenow.Now,I must admit,I find neurosurgeons (male or female) absolutely fascinating...I mean these are human beings that have actually opened up a brain,poked around and touched one...Wow...fascinating.

So I will say,I was a little bit in awe of Dr Rosenow for the above reasons,but also because he was a very pleasant,intelligent and funny man.

In my opinion,you can not be any doctor,if you do not possess the sense of a humor.

Also...since his first name is Joshua,all I could think about during our talk,was the episode on "Friends" with the lovely Jennifer Aniston and her new boyfriend "JoshUA"....(if you have NO clue what I am talking about,rest assured,only diehard fans of "Friends"like Vincent would understand!)

Anyway,back to my talk with JoshUA...the neurosurgeon.
As I have not been in any pain recently,and after having tested my leg,Dr Rosenow (JoshUA) and I decided that there was no need for surgery for the time being,and I would continue doing my wonderful yoga.
I asked him,what the cause was, for the excruciating pain I experienced in February for three days,and he said it was most likely the 2cm fragment becoming loose from the herniated disc.He did say it was a big mother fucker of a fragment (ok,so he did not use those exact words...) however the GOOD news was,that the fragment detached itself completely from the disc,so it has no food/blood supply,and will eventually DIE....I knew my body would not let me down!

However,IF I experience the kind of pain I had in February or if my right leg looses strength or if I can not pee or poop anymore,he will wheel me straight in the operating room.

I must admit,having Dr JoshUA operating on me,is not that bad of a thought....Mmmmmm

So all in all,good news.I am not surprised though,as I have been feeling great recently.

The bad news is,that he had NO idea why I have suddenly become intolerant of alcohol.Both the gabapentin and lyrica have left my body weeks ago,so those are not the culprit.He told me not to worry,and try again in a couple of weeks...Easy for him to say!

Oh...and the photo of Vincent here...just thought it was cute!

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