Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Update on Dieudone

As you can tell from the photo,Dieudone is doing much better...Vincent went out this morning early,to get her a shithole that was easier for her to use,and after we fed her,she happily went to her shithole,and peed and pooped! Finally...we were getting worried!....She slept all night,woke up at 5am,so I got up and played with her,and made sure she knew we were there for her...After her breakfast and bowel movements,she very happily started playing and messing with Alain,who by the way,still has it in his head that he is alpha puddy....Especially after he managed to sleep between Vincent and I the ENTIRE night!....A first for him,as usually, Dieudone will saunter into the bedroom at about 1am, and kick him out of bed....

Tonight we are bringing Dieudone to KJ,our vet,for a check up.....

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