Friday, February 18, 2011

Epidural Steroid Injection

Today I went for my 1st Epidural Steroid Injection at the Anesthesiology Pain Medicine at The Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation.
Vincent of course came with me,and together off we went to the 20th floor of the hospital.
Since I have not been able to work for a while,I googled the procedure and Dr.Chekka (the doctor who was performing the injection) like a mad woman...not a good thing...I was scared to death,after seeing the 400th Youtube video of the procedure....

We were met by a very nice,young good looking Doctor called Nikesh Seth first,who was Dr Chekka's apprentice....I was not feeling very womanly,sitting in the hospital gown with my black granny underwear....but what the hell....I am sure he had seen it all before....
Then Dr.Chekka came in...what a wonderful man
He was an absolute doll,explained everything extremely well,and was just plain excellent.

Then it was off to the "injection" room,where I laid down on a very comfortable table with lots of pillows (just likeI like it!) lots of machines monitoring my heart rate and blood pressure,and my own radiologist....Then Dr. Seth did the injection,under the guidance of Dr.Chekka....and these two doctors were so wonderful,I did NOT feel anything! me...getting my double breast biopsy done was a million times worse (I could kill those 3 bitches that molested my breast....) You can give me Dr.Chekka and Dr. Seth anytime...

So now we wait and see if the injection worked...I am seeing Dr.Chekka again on March we shall see....

Right after the procedure,Vincent and I went over to a pub,right opposite the hospital,and I gulped down 2 glasses of white wine...(with Dr. Chekka's approval!)

Just to relieve the stress...(No more Youtubing for me!)

Here is an image of the needle going into my spine....No Pain!

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