L1-L2: broad based disk bulge.Facet and ligamentun flavum hypertrophy
L2-L3: broad based disk bulge.Facet and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and very mild central spinal stenosis
L3-L4 : same as above
L4-L5 : broad based disk bulge with superimposed right paracentral extrusion that measures 3x10mm.The extrussion abuts the traversin right L5 nerve root.There is an associated free fragment that has extended superiorly behind the L4 vertebral body.It measures 12x13mm in the axial plane and extends 18mm superiorly almost to the level of the superior endplate of L4.The extruded fragment compresses the right ventral thecal sac and contributes to moderate spinal stenosis.
Combined Impression: Right paracentral extrusion with a large superiorly migrated free fragment at L4-L5.
So there you have it....
Dr. Ramirez has given me more pain medication,and I am going to see a pain specialist,who is going to shoot pain medication right up my spine....and if those things combined do not work,I might have to have surgery....
My next assesment will be around the 1st week of March...so NO flying for me until at least then...
I am glad that we finally know what is going on in my back....and that the pain I was feeling was NOT in my head....but for real.....
Now I am lying on the red couch,and relaxing....
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